Msc. Immunology

About Master of Science in Immunology
The Master of Science in Immunology programme at Pwani University was launched in January 2019 as a collaboration between Pwani University (PU), KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Program (KWTRP) and University of Glasgow (UoG) with an aim to train internationally recognized masters who will contribute to the immunology research and teaching landscape across the world.
 The program is aimed at providing advanced theoretical knowledge and practical training in Immunology through a comprehensive range of taught courses in year 1, and thesis in year two. It equips students with the range of specialized knowledge and skills in applying scientific concepts, evaluating scientific data and carrying out modern immunological techniques through traditional lectures, laboratory practical’s and problem based learning. 
The program is suitable for those wishing to go into research positions in academia and industry and for clinicians wishing to specialize in infectious disease and Non-communicable disease immunology. This course runs for two years with students expected to graduate at most 3 years after their registration.

Admission Requirements

A candidate wishing to be admitted for of Master of Science in Immunology must fulfil any one of the following conditions:

  • Be a holder of a Bachelor’s degree from Pwani University or a recognized institution of higher learning or, in case of foreign students, a recognized institution, with a minimum qualification of upper second-class grade or its equivalent in Biological or Biomedical sciences
  • Be a holder of lower second class honors degree in the relevant discipline from Pwani University or a recognized institution of higher learning, provided the candidate produces evidence of having conducted research in the  relevant area from an institution recognized by Pwani University 
  • The general academic requirements prescribed by the respective Faculty shall apply.
Fees per Academic Year
  1. East Africans, Ksh. 155,000/=
  2. Non-East Africans Ksh. 285,000/=