Ethics Review Committee

Pwani University (PU) Ethics Review Committee is accredited by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) to conduct ethics review of protocols in Biomedical, Physical, Social and Environmental Sciences. It was first accredited in 2012, and its accreditation was renewed in 2015, 2018 and 2021. It has 9 members of which 4 are ladies and 5 are men. PU-ERC consists of one lay member, one member from Kilifi County Hospital, one from KEMRI Kilifi and the remaining 6 members are PU Staff from different Schools together with the legal member. Most of our members have undergone Training in proposal review conducted by NACOSTI, Kenya Aids Vaccine Institute (KAVI), Critical Appraisal of Research Proposals Training Workshop organized by the University of Nairobi for ERCs in Kenya and Institutionalizing Ethics Review of Health Research conducted by Southern Africa Research Ethics Training Institute (SARETI). Certificate course in Research Ethics by NACOSTI. The PU-ERC Brochure will inform you of our Vision, Mission, Mandate, operation guidelines, elements of review and review fees. The mode of payment is among the documents that can be downloaded. The committee meets once every month to review and approve proposals. We welcome researchers to submit their proposals hard copy or online any time and we promise to respond within 21 days from the day of submitting the proposal.